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Kevin Mayhew

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These are searching, uplifting and encouraging prayers, each with an accompanying Bible reference; an honest expression of daily faith and life, addressing insecurity, fears for the future, retirement, health, changing role and status.
The Kevin Mayhew hymn writers have contributed countless new songs to the worldwide Church for over 40 years. Here are 50 of the most popular a reminder as to why they go on being sung in every nation and every land.
What does the Bible say about Mental Health. A realistic Christian approach, for those supporting or living with mental health issues.
The Complete My Bible provides the perfect foundation for children to build their knowledge of God’s people and the life of Jesus. My Bible contains 118 of the best-loved stories from the Bible.
A collection of contemporary reflections on the psalms, rewriting the psalms in ways which help others to understand the meaning behind the narrative whilst also pinpointing their relevance for individuals today and offering accompanying prayers.
This Bumper Book (together with its companion volumes) draws together material from a wide range of sources and a number of top authors to create an invaluable resource for anyone seeking help ...
Christmas is a time for giving, getting, forgiving and forgetting. Each of these themes is explored through readings, prayers, activities, comments, sayings, discussion points and hypothetical scenarios reflecting everyday life.