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Nick Fawcett has created 100 meditations - all wonderfully imaginative and often moving - in his enormously popular No Ordinary Man.
The Early Church, obeying Jesus' teaching, was explicitly nonviolent. The later Churches, both Catholic and Protestant, certainly weren't, meting out coercion, torture, execution, massacre, atrocity and war to those who disagreed with them.
Nothing More and Nothing Less is a new and original Lent course by Virginia Moffatt, which uses the powerful, multi-award winning film I, Daniel Blake, to question what causes injustice and oppression and what we can do in response.
Since his retirement as Archbishop of Canterbury and his return to academic life (Master of Magdalene College Cambridge) Rowan Williams has demonstrated a massive new surge of intellectual energy.
Gathered here for the first time are both published and unpublished writings of Anne E. Patrick, a leading feminist Catholic voice, revered both as a teacher and as a critical scholar of theology, ethics, literature, and the arts.
Only Connect is a companion of 150 prayers to aid reflection and worship in a variety of settings – for personal use, for use on retreat or as a focus for groups.
Jesus was a revolutionary. He led an anti-colonial movement of the dispossessed which affirmed women's leadership, racial equality and sexual diversity.