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Edinburgh University Press

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Horace Alexander was an English Quaker who played a significant part in relations between Indian nationalist leaders and the British Government in the years before the transfer of power in 1947. He came to know Gandhi well, and was trusted by him as
From DFID to Brown's own faith and social philosophy, Webber explores, problematises and critiques Gordon Brown's policies on overseas aid, Third-World debt and addressing HIV/AIDS.
Laura Hengehold presents a new, Deleuzian reading of Simone de Beauvoir's phenomenology, the place of recognition in The Second Sex, the philosophical issues in her novels, the important role of her student diaries and her early interest in Bergson..
Focusing on the central striking claim that all necessity is consequent. Tritten engages with ancient and contemporary philosophers including Quentin Meillassoux, Richard Kearney, Friedrich Schelling, Emile Boutroux and Markus Gabriel.