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Interlink Publishing Group, In

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Expert analysis of an illegal and immoral practice. The Bush administration detained and tortured suspected terrorists; the Obama administration assassinates them.
Tamim Al-Barghouti is probably one of the most widely read Palestinian poets of his generation
A world-renowned cast of writers redefine security as being inclusive and egalitarian. Taken together these global citizens articulate a persuasive and powerful argument for new way of looking at a world where we reframe security as a shared goal.
Malak is a little girl who lives in Gaza with her parents. She goes to school, plays in the ocean, and visits Sitti's house on Fridays. One day while she is in school, bombings begin.
The Wall Between is a book about the wall that exists between Jewish and Palestinian communities in the Diaspora. Distrust, enmity, and hate are common currencies.