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Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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Marian Partington's authentic and compassionate response to traumatic loss as she reclaims her younger sister Lucy from the status of victim of the Wests' brutal crimes.
Written by a mother who lost her 21 year old son to suicide, this book deals with the themes of suicide loss through the lens of the author's personal grief. Addressing the process of post-traumatic growth, this memoir provides the bereaved with ther
What is autism? Can pets be autistic? How can i be a good friend to someone who is autistic?
On July 4th 2013, Connor Sparrowhawk, also known as Laughing Boy or LB, was found dead in a specialist NHS unit. Connor, who had autism and epilepsy, had a seizure while in the bath and no member of staff was on hand to stop him from drowning.
Not everyone with autism is the same. This workbook will help teenagers recognise their own individual spectrum of autistic behaviours, and reflect on the specific challenges they face, their own strengths and how they relate to other people. Usi
In modern multi-faith societies, religious diversity not only affects religious organisations and communities, but indeed every aspect of life.
Enabling children to reach their potential and achieve the best possible outcome is the common goal, and this is best achieved by using the collaborative approach to life work advocated in this book.
Viewing children as 'experts in their own lives', the Mosaic approach offers a creative framework for understanding young children's perspectives through talking, walking, making and reviewing material with an adult. This book demonstrates how childr