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Lion Hudson Plc

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Have you ever known the pain and disappointment of a shattered dream, a hope deferred, a vision put on hold? Maybe you started out with a dream in your heart, but it got buried beneath the rubble of life's challenges. Whatever it may be, life took so
The story of outspoken pacifist bishop Edward Hicks throws new light on the problems of conscience created by World War One.
The 'Vicar of Baghdad' encounters daily tragedy. What happened to his faith when a young girl in his congregation died, after much hope and prayer?
Three favourite stories each with a BIG pop-up illustration, and soft, charming artwork. The full-colour pages are delightful to look at, and the story is retold concisely for young children.
For most of his ministry Canon Andrew White has been involved in reconciliation. 'The kind of people I engage with are not usually very nice,' he writes. 'On the whole, nice people do not cause wars.'
Heart disease kills causes almost one in four of all deaths in the United States, and is the leading cause of death in both men and women. In the UK, the figures are similar.
This book helps Christians to understand the Buddhist mind-set and world view, and to see where there are useful points of comparison and contact.
God loves little toes. God loves little me! An adorable first prayer book with bright and beautiful pictures. Each page shows a cute baby animal on a boldly painted background, and is captioned with things that God loves about his creations.