Twelve stories, each with an introduction to link its meaning to the world of the child, and with a closing prayer to say or to ponder. Jesus Is Born Jesus Grows Up Jesus' Important Message (From the Sermon on the Mount) Jesus' Special Prayer (Ou
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From living rooms to church basements, Sarah Bessey grew up amongst prayer circles filled with women from diverse backgrounds who prayed in diverse ways.
In these daily reflections, Richard Rohr invites us to rediscover the spring hidden inside each one of us. He reminds us of our inherent belovedness and God's indwelling presence.
What is consciousness? Is the mind a machine? What makes us persons? What does it mean to aspire to human maturity? These are among the fundamental questions that Rowan Williams helps us to think about in this deeply engaging exploration of what i
Each story in the series is retold in about 500 words with bright and cheerful pictures. The ten books are - God Makes the World - Noah and the Flood - Moses and the Princess - David and Goliath - Daniel and the Lions - Jonah and the Whale - Jesu