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SPCK Publishing

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W. H. Auden, T. S. Eliot, William Golding, Elizabeth Jennings, C. S. Lewis, Flannery O'Connor, Stevie Smith . . .
What are the most important social, political and religious challenges facing our world today?
'It happens to most of us at some time or other.
Abraham, Moses, Hannah, David, Isaiah, Mary...This sequence of twenty-five meditations looks at how great biblical heroes of faith turned to God in times of need and in times of joy,
Few books on invisible illness are written by psychologists. Based on work by the Chronic Illness Research Team (CIRT) at the University of East London,.
When he talked about the Kingdom of God, Jesus was speaking about an utterly different way of relating to human society as we know it. He lays out a blueprint for this new life in his best-known teaching, the Sermon on the Mount.
Julian of Norwich, an anchoress of the fourteenth century has captured the imagination of our time in a remarkable way.
A selection of the best from BBC Radio 4's Lent Talks over the last ten years.