Clash is set against the backdrop of the 1926 general strike. It describes political and personal issues as Joan Craig, an activist in the trade union movement and Labour Party, lives through the excitement of mass protest and individual turmoil in h
Vividly portraying the historic emergence of the New Leftist culture among British youth, this examination captures the turbulent political times of the 1950s and 1960s in northeast England.
A seminal work on the power of nonviolent action, this classic book outlines, in a systematic way, the elements involved in successfully opposing military dictatorships by passive means.
This book tells a story of privatisation on the London Underground. Privatisation - the Public-Private Partnership - was announced by New Labour in 1998. It was implemented in 2003.
For a network held together by shared passion and aims, with no membership or organisational structure, Women in Black has reached surprisingly far and wide in just over thirty years.