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Troubador Publishing

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Imagine you are a proud lesbian and a feminist. You have the odd doubt about your sexuality but you understand how the male-dominated world works and are angry about it. You even go to prison to protest at the ultimate in male violence: nuclear weapo
Set shortly in the future, in 2030, Courting Rendition takes the form of a journal which follows the life a woman as she moves from the predictable and the pleasant into subterfuge, confusion, catastrophe and, perhaps, redemption.
Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates that everyone should be guaranteed adequate food, housing, healthcare and social security. But this is more than a moral imperative.
For the first nine years of her life, she was held in modern day slavery. She saw violence, she knew cold and hunger, she experienced the death of those close to her. It was no life for a child.
This inspiring collection of articles, published together for the first time, are connected by a single theme: that sharing is the key to solving world problems. Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi-founder of the campaign group Share The World's Resources
This book presents a unique investigation into the meaning of the commons. Unlike academic literature on the subject, Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi-founder of Share The World's Resources-explores what the commons ultimately signifies beyond its material a
We are in the midst of a planetary emergency. Radical and urgent changes are needed to avert catastrophe, but still we are failing to act in accordance with the science. So what is preventing us from rapidly transitioning to clean energy and adopting
The idea of a sharing economy has gripped the public imagination in recent years, mainly driven by the rise of new technologies. But what is the meaning of sharing resources in response to the world's greater social, ecological and military crises?