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In hard-hitting accounts of Auschwitz, Bosnia, Palestine and Hiroshima’s Ground Zero, comics display a stunning capacity to bear witness to trauma.
'This is Doro and he is beautiful.' So begins the extraordinary story of Doro Goumaneh, who faced an unimaginable series of adversities on his journey from persecution in The Gambia to refuge in France.
In Empire's Endgame, eight leading scholars make a powerful intervention in debates around racial capitalism and political crisis in Britain.
Britain's private, fee-paying schools are institutions where children from affluent families have their privileges further entrenched through a high-quality, richly resourced education.
From the Munich Olympic Games when the athletes were murdered by terrorists, to the initialling of the Treaty of Rome when Britain entered the Common Market, Barbara Hosking was there.
This is the story, in his own words, of the extraordinary life of Stuart Hall: writer, thinker and one of the leading intellectual lights of his age.
At just 17 Fatima Meer threw herself into resisting racism the first public act of defiance in a long and pioneering political life.
A lively and accessible book for teens on the history, pioneers, theories, questions, arguments and daily reality of feminism today.