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We are happy to announce that the next monthly hour of reading at the bookshop will be on April 10th.

During one hour, one of our volunteers will bring the magic of children's books to life.

Come along and enjoy exciting stories that inspire a love of reading and help make new friends!

Don't miss that!!! 




Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road,  London NW1 2BJ

Following dates: Every month - date TBC

If you want to be part of it as a volunteer, contact us at  or 


We are pleased to announce the second Mark Russ book launch in our Library, followed by Q&A, signing, and meet-the-author at our bookshop. This time with the new book "The Spirit of Freedom".


The Spirit of Freedom offers accessible, useful, and life-affirming theology rooted in Quaker spirituality and Biblical wisdom. Collecting together short and inspiring essays on speaking of God, worshiping God, and being God’s witnesses in the world, this book offers a spacious and relevant Quaker theology from a Christian perspective. It is an excellent companion piece to Mark Russ's first book, Quaker Shaped Christianity.


Praise for The Spirit of Freedom

  • "Mark Russ’s engaging and idiosyncratic blog has become a book, and it’s a delight to revisit these pieces again. They cohere perfectly into a Quaker handbook that has as much to offer newcomers as it has to seasoned Friends. Original, insightful, and beautifully written, this book has all the hallmarks of an instant classic." Geoffrey Durham, author of What Do Quakers Believe?, Being a Quaker and The Spirit of the Quakers
  • "The Spirit of Freedom is a rich and stimulating book that expresses the best of the Quaker spirit: a listening spirit, open to difference and to change. In this book Mark Russ offers an extraordinarily wide-ranging exploration of key Quaker, Christian and human concepts. He brings fresh, and refreshing, insights to some of the much-loved Quaker Advices and Queries and talks of the need to ask better questions; of God as relationship; of the different kinds of silence; of evil. Wearing his learning lightly, Mark uses Biblical and historical references, but the strength of the book is its reliance on his own experience and insights. His very personal approach, as a gay Christian Quaker, invites and challenges each of us as unique human beings to allow the Light to shine on our own failings, find our own ministry, and express it in our worship and daily life." Jennifer Kavanagh, author of Practical Mystics, The World is our Cloister, A Little Book of Unknowing etc.

Date and time

Friday, 6th December 2024 - 11.00 am to 12:30 pm


Library and Quaker Bookshop at Friends House 173-177 Euston Road London NW1 2BJ


Hosted by Quaker Bookshop and Quaker Life, we now offer a monthly hour of reading with one of our volunteers, who will bring the magic of children's books to life.

Come along and enjoy exciting stories that inspire a love of reading and help make new friends!

The next date will be the 22st of November. Don't miss that!!! 



Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road,  London NW1 2BJ

Following dates: November 22st and December 3:00 to 4:00pm


If you want to be part of it as a volunteer, contact us at  or 

NOVEMBER 2024 - ACTIVIST ALPHABET - An exhibition of prints and poetry by Christine Felce
NOVEMBER 2024 - ACTIVIST ALPHABET - An exhibition of prints and poetry by Christine Felce

Christine Felce is an artist who has been working on a body of prints and poems motivated by climate change. Friends House is inviting you to visit this beautiful exhibition during the month of November while enjoying our café and bookshop space.

Here is a flickbook link to the work to give you an idea of the work. 

On the opening day, Friday the 1st, there will be a talk about Christine‘s work and experience, engaging visitors and guests to talk and think about their own personal experiences of nature and climate change.

We are in a crisis of relationships with each other, the planet's resources, and other living things. We like to think the key to the Alphabet is K—for Kindness.

It would be great if you were free to bring your energy and knowledge to the talk.

Friends House
173-177 Euston RoadLondon NW1 2BJ
1st - 30th November 2024 Open Mon -Fri 8 am to 4 pm email:






Talk & Discussion on Climate Change 
Bookshop of Friends House
1st November 2:00 to 3:30 pm with Christine & invited speakers

August 2024 - MADE VISIBLE EXHIBITION 2nd edition
August 2024 - MADE VISIBLE EXHIBITION 2nd edition

After the success of 2023, we are delighted to have this wonderful exhibition again!! Step in and appreciate the new works of art displayed around the cafe and corridors at Friends House!!



Don't miss the second edition of this exhibition, which brings together pieces of art by artists from different origins and displays them without labels.

The “Made Visible Exhibition” highlights the Quaker values of inclusion and the belief that everyone has an Inner Light, showing that creativity has no limits and that art can break down the barriers that often separate us.

The main objective of this event is to reveal hidden talents, where artists, regardless of their background, share their creations without the need to expose their identity.

We sincerely thank everyone who helped make this exhibition happen. Your presence and support show the essence of community, simplicity, and shared love of the arts. It is through this collective spirit that we continue to create a space where every voice is heard and every talent is recognized.

We thank you in advance for being an essential part of this artistic journey.


Date and time

2nd to 31st of August 2024  - Monday to Friday - 08:00 to 17:30 (cafe closes at 16:00)
                                              - Saturday the 10th - 11:00 to 17:30 (cafe closed)
                                              - Saturday the 31st - 11:00 to 17:30 (cafe closed)
                                              - Sundays - 08:00 to 14:30 (cafe closed)


Quaker Bookshop at Friends House 173-177 Euston Road London NW1 2BJ


2023's exhibition:

Exhibition Highlights

Artists' Expressions


On Saturday 27th of July between 12.30 to 1.30 pm at The Quaker Bookshop at Friends House we will host James McCarthy and Peter Parr for a signing session of the new Kindlers books The Kindness of Presence: Revisiting the Bible with an open heart and mind and  Quaker Worship: Reflections and Explorations.


1) Peter Parr: The Kindness of Presence: Revisiting the Bible with an open heart and mind. The Kindlers.

This book is about presence and kindness. Its reflections, prayers and meditations are reminders of God’s presence and unconditional loving kindness. They also invite us to be a loving presence in the world.

In the Bible, the ‘name’ of God refers to the essential nature of God; to God’s intrinsic qualities. Presence is a name for God, since the Divine Spirit is ever-present, pervading all that is. Kindness is also God’s name, for God is love and love is kind.

If we are created in the image of God, then we share the nature of our Source. Our problem is, we become distracted by a thousand and one other goals. Like the prodigal son in the parable, we need to 'come to our senses' ‒ to return to present-moment awareness. When we are fully present, we can experience the presence of God and make a conscious choice to be kind.

It has been said that God has no hands but ours. It is through us, when we attend to the promptings of love and truth in our hearts, that God’s love finds expression in the world. The Kindness of Presence encourages us to be open to receiving those promptings, and faithful in responding to them.

2) James McCarthy Quaker Worship: Reflections and Explorations The Kindlers.

What is Quaker worship? This practice – sitting with others in silence, waiting, listening – why do we do it? What happens in a meeting for worship and what effect does it have? Does it make any difference - to anyone?

This booklet gets inside the experience of worship by asking over 50 Quakers in the unprogrammed tradition what they value about worship and what they do in meetings. The answers are varied, personal, surprising, and strangely compelling.

Meeting is where I can be in a community experiencing the source of our being.”

"Without Meeting, I'm not me."

Quaker worship can change lives. How can we sustain and nurture it? Quakers have a recurring need to reflect on these questions. Sometimes the questioning becomes part of the worship.

Quakers often say that their first experience of Quaker worship was like coming home. This booklet explores what home is like.

11 JULY 2024 - Behind the Privet Hedge -Richard Sudell, the Suburban Garden and the Beautification of Britain by Michael Gilson
11 JULY 2024 - Behind the Privet Hedge -Richard Sudell, the Suburban Garden and the Beautification of Britain  by Michael Gilson

Michael Gilson will present his book "Behind the Privet Hedge -Richard Sudell, the Suburban Garden and the Beautification of Britain" here at our bookshop Thursday, 11th July.

It is said that Britain is a nation of gardeners; the suburban garden, with its roses and privet hedges, is widely admired and copied across the world. But it is little understood how millions across the nation developed an obsession with their colourful plots of land. Behind the Privet Hedge explores the history of this development and how, despite their stereotype as symbols of dull, middle-class conformity, these new open spaces were seen as a tool to help bring about social change in the early twentieth century. The book restores to the story a remarkable but long-forgotten figure, Richard Sudell, who spent a lifetime 'evangelizing' that the garden be in the vanguard of progress towards a new egalitarian society.

Date and time

Thursday, 11th of July - 5:30 to 7:30 pm
  • The café will be open until 5:30, so guests can have a drink before the talk.
  • 5:30 to 6:30/7:00 Talk starts at the library.
  • After the talk, guests will go to the bookshop for a signing session up to 7:30


Quaker Bookshop at Friends House 173-177 Euston Road London NW1 2BJ

8 JULY 2024 - Elizabeth Heyrick: The Making of an Anti-Slavery Campaigner
8 JULY 2024 - Elizabeth Heyrick: The Making of an Anti-Slavery Campaigner

We are pleased to announce another book launch in our bookshop, this time with the new book by Jocelyn Robson - “Elizabeth Heyrick: The Making of an Anti-Slavery Campaigner”.


Elizabeth Heyrick fought fiercely for the rights of oppressed people. After a disastrous marriage, she became a prolific pamphleteer, a Quaker and one of the most outspoken anti-slavery campaigners of her time. Despite renewed contemporary interest in slavery, and in the stories of those who opposed it, female abolitionists are still much less well known than their male counterparts. Yet they were often more radical and more daring. Heyrick defied male authority and she led others in challenging William Wilberforce and his colleagues to fight for the immediate rather than the gradual abolition of slavery.

Published on the 200th anniversary of her most powerful and influential anti-slavery pamphlet, this book is the first full length biography of Elizabeth Heyrick and it sets her life in the context of the British anti-slavery movement of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. She was a woman who dared to put her head above the parapet and to call out those responsible for one of the worst abuses of human rights in history. She was courageous, loyal and uncompromising, and did not suffer fools gladly. It was not until long after her death in 1831 that her contribution to the anti-slavery cause started to be recognised and even today, she remains hidden in the shadows of the movement. Using archival records and recently unearthed family materials, as well as contemporary fiction and memoirs, the author creates a compelling account of an unsettled life set in turbulent times.

Date and time

Monday, 8th of July - 5:30 to 7:0 pm


Quaker Bookshop at Friends House 173-177 Euston Road London NW1 2BJ


27 JUNE 2024 - Post Atomic Glossaries: Poetry launch
27 JUNE 2024 - Post Atomic Glossaries: Poetry launch
Peace poet Antony Owen joins us in the Friends House Library for the launch of his latest compilation, Post Atomic Glossaries. We will hear from Antony and explore the intersections between poetry and peace and education work.
1 JUNE 2024 - Children's Day at Friends House
1 JUNE 2024 - Children's Day at Friends House

Children's Day at Friends House

On International Children's Day, 1st of June, the event at Friends House was really amazing. Hosted by Quaker Bookshop in collaboration with CYP and Quaker Life, the event marked the opening of the new Children's Reading Corner at the bookshop — a colourful, cozy place designed to inspire young readers.

Julia Stacey did a delightful reading, captivating the children with two stories: first, the story of a giraffe that couldn't dance but was determined enough to learn and be happy doing it, and then, a story about inclusion and kindness, which is actually the theme of our reading corner. Afterwards, children were invited to participate in discussions and thoughtful book reviews, writing down their ideas about the stories. It was heartwarming to see the kids so enthusiastic about sharing their insights and opinions.    



Blessed by the day's sunny weather, the outdoor activities were a hit. Children participated in various games that encouraged teamwork and creativity. They laughed, sang, and ran around, having fun while parents joined in too, creating a wonderful sense of community and shared fun.



At the end, there was time for a few minutes of relaxation, lying down on the floor and experiencing peace and recovering the energy spent over the previous hours.

Throughout the event, the Seed Café was open, offering a setting for families to relax and enjoy their treats. Every child received a special snack surprise, adding an extra layer of excitement to the celebration.

Parents and children left with smiles on their faces and with memories to cherish.


A Day to Remember and Repeat

The Children's Reading Corner now stands at the Quaker Bookshop, open to be used by the young minds, and we are planning the next children's day very soon, and you won't want to miss it.


Wait for more information and updates on future events on our social media and website or contact us at .