How much do nuclear weapons actually cost? How safe are nuclear weapons, even if they are never used? Have nuclear weapons kept us safe since the end of World War II? Are nuclear weapons legal under international law?
Missions by the Spirit captures Quaker (Friends Church) dynamics in global outreach. Author Ron Stansell shows that Quakers have carried out some aspects of missions differently than other evangelicals.
Jessica Huie went from being a teenage mother, expelled from school and staying in a hostel to having a glittering career in public relations, founding two award-winning businesses and earning an MBE from the Queen.
No-one thought Bertie Simmonds could speak. So, when he is heard singing an Easter hymn, this is not so much the miracle some think as a bolt drawn back, releasing long-repressed emotions with potentially devastating consequences...A decade later, Be
Investigates the forces that drive armed conflict, shows what is already effective in building peace at both local and international levels, contains the first-ever costed Business Plan for Peace, showing that war can be prevented for $2bn.