A stunning reimagining of the classic tale, The Frog Prince that proves anyone can have their happily ever after! Inspired by a picture he sees in a book, a lonely frog decides to go in search of a kiss.
Born Into The Royal Family, John has always known he doesn't want to be king. To escape his destiny he has run away and begun to build a different kind of future for himself.
This awesome anthology contains 76 tremendous tales. All of the best-loved stories from the immensely popular The Lion Storyteller Bedtime Book and The Lion Storyteller Book of Animal Tales are collected here into one colourful volume.
One day a young man decides that he wants a lion tattoo. But as the tattooist begins her work, the young man feels the pain of the needle and decides that his lion doesn't need a tail...or a stomach...or a mane!
100% of the net profit from the sale of this book will be donated to Save the Children fund for supporting children impacted by the conflict in Ukraine.
'A fascinating book, THE PILOT AND THE LITTLE PRINCE invites big kids (literal and metaphorical) to take the time...to dig in its pages ...to lose oneself in delicate drawings,