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Jonathan Kuttab, a Palestinian Human Rights lawyer—and Christian pacifist—believes there is a way. In this moving, harrowing memoir, he takes us on a personal journey from anger and thoughts of violence...
The photo of a woman standing proudly, face bare, hair blowing in the wind. Her crime: removing her veil, or hijab, which is compulsory for women in Iran. Masih's self-portrait sparked 'My Stealthy Freedom', a social media campaign that went viral.
An upsurge of public concern has extended throughout the world, creating strong peace movements in many countries.
Why couldn’t I occupy the world as those model-looking women did, with their flowing hair, pulling their tiny bright suitcases as if to say, I just arrived from elsewhere, and I already belong here, and this sidewalk belongs to me?
War No More aims to convince people that wars are not inevitable and that conflicts – national and international – can and must be solved in other ways if the human race is to survive.
In America, 1918 was a time of zealous patriotism. But not everyone believed in the rightness of war. Leslie Hotson’s conscience led him to go to France with the American Friends Service Committee to repair the wounds of war.
Reminiscent of the work of Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Alexievich, an astonishing collection of intimate wartime testimonies and poetic fragments from a cross-section of Syrians whose lives have been transformed by revolution, war, and flight.