Selections from Penn’s writings on liberty of conscience, the nature of government, peace in Europe, titles, imperial states, and a plan for the union of the American colonies.
A German Quaker writes simply of her life under Hitler’s regime and during the Russian occupation of East Germany, a life full of meaning and peacemaking. Translated by Florence Kite.
The work and influence of more than a dozen women, beginning with Margaret Fell, in the unprogrammed tradition of Quakerism. Edited by Ruth Blattenberger.
A literary scholar considers the paradoxical relationship of silence and words in Quaker worship, drawing on the work of E. M. Forster, Samuel Beckett, and classical Greek writers for insight.
Thomas Gates draws from the experiences of the captive Hebrews as told in the Book of Isaiah, as well as the discoveries and practices of early Friends, to offer perspective and insights for twenty-first century Quakers ...