I'm afraid, Said the leaf. You're not alone, Said the tree. But who will comfort a nervous bird, a lonely crab, a lost wolf? How can a horse find warmth, a snail some cheer, a child some rest?
Mum works really hard, but today there is no money left and no food in the cupboards. Forced to visit the local foodbank, Mum feels ashamed that they have to rely on the kindness of others, ...
All Julian can think about is the three fabulous women he's seen, dressed like mermaids, and how to make his own sparkling costume. But what will Nana think about the mess he makes – and what will she think about how Julian sees himself?
It all starts with a crack that we can hardly see, It happens when we shout or if we disagree. But with every kindness that we care to show Something good and magical will begin to grow.
A wonderful addition to any child's library, this is the multiple award-winning and bestselling picture book about what happens when a lion visits a library.
Accompanied by Myles, her assistance dog, Lily sets off from Granny’s house to explore. First she walks through the garden, then she visits the seashore.