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Twelve Quakers and ...

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Quaker Quest Pamhlet 10. What is prayer? If it isn't pleading or wishing, what is it? What's the point when prayers are not answered? Is prayer expecting God to do what we should do? Can you pray if you don't believe in God?
Twelve Quakers write about what simplicity means for them in their lives. The starting point for all is a manner of worship that is stripped of all inessentials to enable a clearer focus on the Divine.
What is truth? Does it always need evidence? How does it gain its authority? What is the difference between truth and Truth? Twelve Quakers here explore their commitment to live a life that is authentic and has integrity.
What is worship? It is our response to an awareness of God. The worship of Quakers is simple, waiting together in the silence and stillness. What is seen as important is the spirit in which you live and how worship helps you to help others. TT