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Quaker Quicks

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If money troubles your soul, try this down-to-earth Quaker perspective on economies large and small. The economy, as we usually encounter it, has nothing to do with values or faith. After all, the "invisible hand" caters to no religious belief.
Open to New Light is not only for readers interested in exploring Quaker history and principles but also for anyone interested in different faiths and the relationships between them.
Are Quakers mystics? What does that mean? How does it translate into how we are and what we do in the world?
'What is Quakerism?' can be a difficult question to answer, especially when Quakers today struggle to find a shared religious language.
Quakerism has a rich tradition of engaging science and has produced many notable amateur and eminent professional scientists in fields ranging from psychology to physics.
In Quakers and Politics, Carl and Margery Post Abbott establish the theological roots of political activism among members of the Society of Friends.
Navigate through the sacred, the impossible, and the unexpected in these hard-won reflections on parenting with humility, connection, resilience and joy.
Quakers have made the cultivation of the guided life the focus of their spirituality for over three centuries. Generations of Quakers have developed practices for nurturing their connection to an inward source of guidance, meaning and purpose.