Margaret Fell was an inspiring and practical leader in the early Quaker movement in 17th-century England. Remembered as the wife of George Fox, her writings have been largely forgotten. This book brings them to life again.
What do Quakers have to offer when there is pain and distress in body, mind and spirit? Can their beliefs and worship help in the processes of healing?
If money troubles your soul, try this down-to-earth Quaker perspective on economies large and small. The economy, as we usually encounter it, has nothing to do with values or faith. After all, the "invisible hand" caters to no religious belief.
Open to New Light is not only for readers interested in exploring Quaker history and principles but also for anyone interested in different faiths and the relationships between them.
Cadbury s Dairy Milk, Rowntree s Kit Kat, and Fry s Turkish Delight are all well-known chocolate treats. The three 'cocoa families' who indulged our chocolate cravings for over a century were all Quakers,...
Quakerism has a rich tradition of engaging science and has produced many notable amateur and eminent professional scientists in fields ranging from psychology to physics.