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Many Friends found Brian Drayton’s 2005 edition of On Living with a Concern for Gospel Ministry a valuable resource and source of encouragement.
Quaker author and incorrigible bookworm Simon Webb relates his own experience of depression, drawing on insights from the New Testament, the Quaker tradition and the depiction of melancholy in some of the world's great books.
When Alastair McIntosh was asked what makes a good BBC radio 'God slot' he quoted his late friend Walter Wink: 'To conceive of heaven as the transcendent possibilities latent in every emerging moment.'
Right from the start, ‘the people called Quakers’ recorded each other’s ‘dying sayings’. This book tells how, happening upon some of these by accident, a 21st century Friend learned of their speakers’ passion for equality and truth.
Patterns & Examples: Regional roles gatherings. Britain Yearly Meeting & Woodbrooke working in partnership
Volume 1 of the Eldership and Oversight handbook series.