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Relationships, family and health

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Nothing is more certain in life than death. Yet recent advances in medicine and technology have dramatically increased our life expectancy, and everything about when, where, how and why we die has changed.
More Beautiful Than Before examines the many ways we experience pain - physical, psychological or emotional - and how we can transform pain into a more beautiful and meaningful life. Rabbi Steven Z. Leder has witnessed a lot of pain: 'It's my phone
Parenting brings countless hopes and worries. But when external factors create fear and cast a shadow long and deep across motherhood, what happens to the act of mothering?
This collection of first-person stories provides insight into the under-discussed situation of being childless by circumstance.
Mothers Under Fire: Mothering in Conflict Areas examines the experiences of women mothering in conflict areas.
Mothers: An Essay on Love and Cruelty is guided by a simple argument: that motherhood is the place in our culture where we lodge - or rather bury - the reality of our own conflicts, of psychic life, and what it means to be fully human. Mothers are th
Helping young people with anxiety learn to recognise and manage their symptoms, this anxiety survival guide teaches 12 to 18 year olds how they can overcome their biggest worries.