Sensual Religion demonstrates the value of paying attention to the senses and materials in lived religion and also leads the way for improved studies of religion as sensuality.
Salvation is not private "Fire Insurance." Salvation is a new kind of life In the Bible, God acts to save people-in thisworld-from all sorts of dangers and evil.
Sikhism originated in the Indian region known as Punjab during the fifteenth century. Sikhs follow the teachings of ten holy men, known as gurus, who lived between the years of 1469 and 1708.
In this memoir, Jasjit Sangha poignantly shows how the pressure to be a “good mother” and “good step-mother” left her feeling inadequate, resentful and angry as she negotiated loyalty conflicts and cultural differences in her bi-racial step-family.
Each of the nine blessings are examined in layman's terms to help readers to more fully understand the teachings of Jesus when he said Blessed are the poor in spirit; ...
Focusing on the central striking claim that all necessity is consequent. Tritten engages with ancient and contemporary philosophers including Quentin Meillassoux, Richard Kearney, Friedrich Schelling, Emile Boutroux and Markus Gabriel.