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John Hunt Publishing

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What does the universe, with its countless examples of mutuality, have to teach us? This book explores the oneness at the heart of existence - and what this means for how we act in the world.
Home - one of the most emotive words in any language.
Listening to God - Fuel for Ministry? is a book about silence and contemplation, including an exegesis on works written about Lectio Divina.
In the second decade of the twenty-first century, Quakers are increasingly divided over matters of theology, religious belonging, and the status of Friends' Christian past.
To see what life would be like if your answers are 'Yes!' then the voices of these twelve Quakers will speak to you. For they follow a way that embraces maximum spirituality with minimum religion.
Kate McNally grew up in a mainstream Christian faith, where she could not find the connection to the divine that we all seek. She turned to psychology and science and to the pursuit of success.
Do Quakers Pray is a short book for the Quaker Quicks series that considers questions such as "What is prayer?" and explores whether, when and how Quakers might pray. Do we pray together? Do we pray alone?
Quaker Quicks - Hearing the Light begins with the foundations of Quaker theology, which is based in the Quaker method of unprogrammed, silent worship.