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John Hunt Publishing

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In this remarkable memoir Nicholas Hagger reflects on war and peace and on 'peace for our time', Chamberlain's haunting words in 1938 that ushered in the Second World War.
Kate McNally grew up in a mainstream Christian faith, where she could not find the connection to the divine that we all seek. She turned to psychology and science and to the pursuit of success.
Do Quakers Pray is a short book for the Quaker Quicks series that considers questions such as "What is prayer?" and explores whether, when and how Quakers might pray. Do we pray together? Do we pray alone?
Quaker Quicks - Hearing the Light begins with the foundations of Quaker theology, which is based in the Quaker method of unprogrammed, silent worship.
How can we find inner stillness in our lives today? What is it for and how can we use it?
Margaret Fell was an inspiring and practical leader in the early Quaker movement in 17th-century England. Remembered as the wife of George Fox, her writings have been largely forgotten. This book brings them to life again.
What do Quakers have to offer when there is pain and distress in body, mind and spirit? Can their beliefs and worship help in the processes of healing?
If money troubles your soul, try this down-to-earth Quaker perspective on economies large and small. The economy, as we usually encounter it, has nothing to do with values or faith. After all, the "invisible hand" caters to no religious belief.