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Verso Books

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Climate engineering is a dystopian project. But as the human species hurtles ever faster towards its own extinction, geoengineering as a temporary fix, to buy time for carbon removal, is a seductive idea.
How did Mandela's successor Thabo Mbeki repress debate within the party, impose his AIDS denialism on government, refuse to criticize Mugabe's rule in Zimbabwe ?
Immediately following his release from Auschwitz in 1945, Primo Levi, along with Dr Claudio Debenedetti, was asked to provide a report on living conditions in the concentration camp for Russian authorities.
In Capitalism: A Ghost Story, best-selling writer Arundhati Roy examines the dark side of Indian democracy--a nation of 1.2 billion, where the country's 100 richest people own assets worth one quarter of India's gross domestic product.
Chavs is the most influential book on class and politics in our time.
On the origins of European queer politics Come Together tells the incredible story of the emerging radicalism of the Gay Liberation Front, providing a vivid history of the movement, ...
In austerity Britain, disabled people have become the favourite target. From social care to the benefits system, politicians and media alike have made the case Britain's 12 million disabled people are a drain on the public purse.
The Panama Papers demonstrated that the superrich hide their wealth from the rest of us. Dirty Secrets shows that this was not by accident, but by design.