Pacifists should learn to know and understand those with whom they disagree, so that they may be bridge-builders, nudging the world toward abandoning war.
Supporting Gifts of Ministry and Eldering in the Monthly Meeting, Martha Paxson Grundy describes the traditional Quaker understanding of power and spiritual authority, and God’s gifts in relation to them.
Analysis of Kazantzakis’ The Last Temptation of Christ using a four-fold scheme devised by the novel’s author, a non-Christian, to explain evolution toward dematerialization.
Living with God and living as if the Kingdom of God has already come is the witness the author discusses in this pamphlet. By William Durland Pendle Hill Pamphlet #279
The author sees Quakers at a crossroads in dealing with issues of authority and power in church governance and offers some assessment of the costs of traveling one way or another.