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The Kevin Mayhew hymn writers have contributed countless new songs to the worldwide Church for over 40 years. Here are 50 of the most popular a reminder as to why they go on being sung in every nation and every land.
In these restlessly exploratory poems and sequences, the space between things is never empty, but alive with messages. Utterly physical even when it is at its most enquiring, Philip Gross's latest collection contemplates space and sound.
Prayer is not an occasional nod given in passing to God. It's more like marriage - a closeness of living; a constant receiving and giving.
A Part of the Main is a single poem by two poets who conducted a dialogue in verse by email over the course of a few months. Born of the difficult feelings and public discord arising from the events of 2016, it moves deeper into the cultural hoard...
These twenty-five poems are perennials but may also serve as daily Advent readings from 1st December.
A collection of poems about life and Parkinson's.
Alphabet Poems and Word-Games.
"As I stand at my kitchen sink and look across at what we optimistically call our herb garden, to one side I see an old wooden sign on which are carved the words 'Arthur's Garden'...