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Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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Is there a need to challenge homophobic name-calling and other homophobic bullying in your school but uncertainty about how to address it? That's So Gay! is a practical guide to making your school a safer and more inclusive place.
Chaplaincy is a rapidly growing ministry, but one that has been the centre of little theological discussion.
A Circle of Support and Accountability is a group of trained volunteers who meet on a regular basis with a high risk sex offender living in their community. This innovative strategy, which helps the offender both to maintain accountability and reinte
The world is a very confusing place for Tilly. She tries her best but can't seem to understand the rules like everyone else does. As she gets older things get harder, but perhaps, now she knows about autism, being different won't be so difficult.
Contributors from all walks of life share their thoughts on carefully selected writings, images and artwork that most accurately express death to them.
Aiding discussion of gender diversity and sexuality with very young children, this practical guide helps practitioners explore these themes in early years settings.
Life as a bird can be stressful! From worrying about airplanes, windows, and getting enough worms to eat, it is clear that birds can be anxious beings.
Written for busy foster carers and adoptive parents, this book provides a concise introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and how to support a child with a diagnosis.