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Concerned about the impact we're having on God's creation? This insightful guide unpacks a Biblical response to global warming You'll feel motivated to respond in stewardship I realise that THIS? is rather a strange title!
Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
ISBN: 9781838580216
Author Susan Sayers
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Concerned about the impact we're having on God's creation? This insightful guide unpacks a Biblical response to global warming You'll feel motivated to respond in stewardship I realise that THIS? is rather a strange title! So I thought, maybe it should be followed by a question mark? In a way, the question mark is the journey of discovery which this book describes. That's because I want us to explore together the full reality of THIS?: where we actually are, who and what we really are, what is our 'This', and is God's 'This' a fuller reality? If so, how does that affect the way we lovers of the Creator react to Earth Warming?