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All Ways Walk Cheerfully

Facts are stronger then fiction so he kept a diary that he wrote on his train journey home. In the diary, he notes what happened in his shop and in his life. You will find many useful tips and suggestions to enable you to Walk Cheerfully All Ways.
Publisher: PublishNation
ISBN: 9781916820296
Author Peter Schweiger
Pub Date 06/10/2023
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Most people wear footwear and because they touch the soles we have strong feelings about them. They are our contact with the world. This is about British London bespoke shoemaker who tried to escape from his father firm by training as a Forester. His father died while he was at Forester Training School. He returned to the family firm and learned the craft doing courses at Cord wainers Technical Collage in Hackney, London, and form a retired shoemaker. The partner retired after two years and he managed the firm for the next thirty-nine years until he found a buyer. Facts are stronger then fiction so he kept a diary that he wrote on his train journey home. In the diary, he notes what happened in his shop and in his life. You will find many useful tips and suggestions to enable you to Walk Cheerfully All Ways. There will be More Ways.