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Izzy hates leaving home to live with Gran and having to face bullies at her new school. When she and her friend Cat are up the forbidden roof, where a girl, Theresa, once fell to her death, Izzy thinks she sees three figures fighting...
Publisher: Two Falcons Press
ISBN: 9780995588349
Author Griselda Gifford
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Izzy hates leaving home to live with Gran and having to face bullies at her new school. When she and her friend Cat are up the forbidden roof, where a girl, Theresa, once fell to her death, Izzy thinks she sees three figures fighting and a ghost-girl being pushed over the edge. Gran’s daughter, Belle, went missing years ago. Did she push the girl off the school roof? And what secret is Gran hiding? Danger faces Izzy when she follows ghost-Belle to discover the truth.