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Place is the Passion: Reframing the Isra

Israel relies for its survival on its lucrative arms trade and American military support. Meanwhile, the Palestinians suffer poverty and destitution as an occupied nation.
Publisher: Comerford & Miller
ISBN: 9781871204339
Author Bill Williamson
Pub Date 07/04/2016
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Israel relies for its survival on its lucrative arms trade and American military support. Meanwhile, the Palestinians suffer poverty and destitution as an occupied nation. Indeed, without vast international financial support the Palestinians would face starvation.Any solution is impossible while Israel pursues an aggressive program of settlement expansion and ethnic cleansing. The author draws extensively on Jewish sources to prove Israel is on the wrong track. He looks beyond the moribund two state solution, which he likens to Apartheid, to show there is a better future achievable for both peoples: one that is secular, democratic, bi-national, culturally vibrant and economically successful.