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What does the word 'home' mean to you? From a wide range of answers and her own experience, Jennifer Kavanagh explores our outer and inner identities. Home is not just four walls or the country we were born in. It is not a locked door, an investment,
Publisher: O BOOKS
ISBN: 9781846942648
Author Jennifer Kavanagh
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What does the word 'home' mean to you? From a wide range of answers and her own experience, Jennifer Kavanagh explores our outer and inner identities. Home is not just four walls or the country we were born in. It is not a locked door, an investment, a legal address, or a nation with rigid borders. Home is where the heart is: a yearning for a precious past, a dream of something that has never been, or a present reality. In relationship - with our families, in community, and with the whole of creation. The qualities of home are reflected in the circle (O), an ancient symbol for safety, equality, inclusiveness, and eternity. But we will never be at home unless we are at home to ourselves. Home is where we all want to be.