This book tells the story of thr Kagisong Reugee Centre, as far as possible in the words of those who lived and worked there, as well as those who shared their memories in letters sent after leaving. Establisjed in 1979, at a time of discord in a number of neighbouring countries, Kagisong provided a safe haven to some 20,000 mainly politicalr efugees between then and its closure in 1996. Although funding assistance was provided by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner ofr Refugees, the Botswana Quaker Meeting and its international supporters provided the Centre's leadership and vision. The Quaker belief in the sanctity of life, and hence absolute commitment to peace, generated a spirit of acceptance and respect for the humanity of all who came, a loving respect which permeated the actions of trustees and staff, and which produced the many appreciative letters from those who passed through at particularly troubled periods in their lives. Many returned to their countries of origin, others settled in Botswana, and others were repatriated to the United States and Europe, where they were faced with the challenge of starting a new life. All, however, were unique individuals who contributed with their many gifts - as much as they have gained from their stay at Kagisong - to the benefit of all.