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Razor Wire & Olive Branches

Containing over 80 curriculum-spanning activities and resources, this teaching pack is about explores conflict, human rights and peacebuilding in Palestine & Israel. Produced by Quaker Peace and Social Witness in collaboration with EAPPI.
Publisher: QPSW
ISBN: 12189
Author QPSW
Pub Date 22/05/2019
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Containing over 80 curriculum-spanning activities and resources, this teaching pack is about explores conflict, human rights and peacebuilding in Palestine & Israel. Produced by Quaker Peace and Social Witness in collaboration with the Ecumenical Accompaniment programme for the people of Palestine & Israel (EAPPI) Ages 14-18 “The visit from the EAPPI bought a complicated international issue into the classroom in a way that made it entirely accessible to our young people.” -Alice Harlan, Year 11 lead.