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The Amazing Fact of Quaker Worship

George Gorman's 1973 Swarthmore lecture explores the experience of a Quaker meeting for worship.
Publisher: Quaker Books
ISBN: 9780901689849
Author George H. Gorman
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The meeting for worship is the fundamental shared experience in Quaker faith and practice, but it can be hard to explain. George Gorman looks at how Quaker worship will be seen by a newcomer, and approaches religion as human experience, seeking within it signals of transcendence that point beyond and bring a new dimension to life. Quaker worship is spontaneous and flexible in its freedom from credal structure and liturgy. It is unique as an exercise in silent corporate contemplation that draws individual worshippers into a depth of unity, while they remain fully themselves. They will describe this in various ways, but find their common ground in their sense of being held by the love of God. This classic book helps readers consider whether this way of worship is a valid one for them. It aims to assist regular Quaker worshippers as well as newcomers to make the most effective use of silent worship.