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The Commons of Humanity

This book presents a unique investigation into the meaning of the commons. Unlike academic literature on the subject, Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi-founder of Share The World's Resources-explores what the commons ultimately signifies beyond its material a
ISBN: 9781803132334
Author Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi
Pub Date 28/06/2022
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This book presents a unique investigation into the meaning of the commons. Unlike academic literature on the subject, Mohammed Sofiane Mesbahi-founder of Share The World's Resources-explores what the commons ultimately signifies beyond its material and social dimensions. In a spirit of mutual enquiry with the reader, he reasons how a united voice of the people to end poverty is the first step towards bringing about a worldwide awareness of the greater commons of humanity. But Mesbahi also invites us to contemplate the highest spiritual meaning of the commons-one that can only be realised through inner transformation and a new form of education based on the Ageless Wisdom teachings.