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7 Daily Rituals For Gratitude

A practical guide to enjoying every day to its fullest and to making every gesture more self-aware.
Publisher: White Star
ISBN: 9788854418325
Author Federica Avanzi
Pub Date 16/10/2023
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A practical guide to enjoying every day to its fullest and to making every gesture more self-aware. Gratitude is the first book in a series called Daily Rituals, with the intention to change the readers habits for the better and improve the quality of their lives. A book that is a starting point for a path to wellbeing and spiritual growth. The book is divided into the 7 thematic periods of a typical day, which begins with waking up and finishes with falling asleep. For each area, readers will find seven simple rituals taken from the traditions of Buddhism, yoga, oriental and western philosophy and scientific research.