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A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Medi

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From living rooms to church basements, Sarah Bessey grew up amongst prayer circles filled with women from diverse backgrounds who prayed in diverse ways.
Publisher: SPCK Publishing
ISBN: 9780281085156
Author Sarah Bessey
Pub Date 09/02/2021
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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From living rooms to church basements, Sarah Bessey grew up amongst prayer circles filled with women from diverse backgrounds who prayed in diverse ways. In A Rhythm of Prayer she captures the spirit of those prayer circles, bringing together a range of faith leaders, including Barbara Brown Taylor, Amena Brown, Nadia Bolz-Weber and many more, to offer daily inspiration for connecting with God. With thirty one original prayers for every mood - tiredness, anger and sorrow as well as hope, love and reconciliation - and journaling pages to add your own prayers to the circle, this is not just a devotional book, but a celebration of unique voices. It is also a warm, inviting invitation to renew and revitalise your prayer life, ideal for anyone who is looking for fresh ideas for prayer or for those just starting to explore prayer for the first time. Filled with wisdom, compassion and words of poetic beauty, A Rhythm of Prayer is a Christian prayer book that provides spiritual nourishment and guidance. It will leave you feeling connected to others who also walk with God and less alone in difficult, uncertain times.