Starting from the assumption that God exists and that the whole of creation - not just of this world but of the entire universe -is his work, the author of this important book tries to demonstrate the extent of this divine achievement and to explain its laws by analysing different aspects of knowledge -science, religion, asceticism, mysticism and prayer. For Moyila Ngonda creation is not just a chance combination of atoms or a chemical process but it originates from a higher intelligence responsible for the creation and operation of everything in the universe, all of which demonstrate the greatness and power of God who created them and who maintains them in a proper balance. The author starts by defining God and explaining the many manifestations of the divine, including ideas of heaven, angels, Satan and hell. He refers throughout to all religions, quoting from the Quran, the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita. He describes in some detail the universe and the relative insignificance of our sun and our planet. He examines the human body and mind: will, soul, the different religions, races and racism and our place in the environment. He explains science and its laws, asceticism, magic, telepathy, clairvoyance and psychic development. He studies the role and nature of prayer. The range of his knowledge is impressive. The book is a treasure trove of interesting facts