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A Quaker in the Zendo 370

At a time in my life when I had drifted far from my Quaker origins, I found the discipline of Zen meditation to be clarifying, healing, and liberating.
ISBN: 0875743706
Author Steve Smith
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At a time in my life when I had drifted far from my Quaker origins, I found the discipline of Zen meditation to be clarifying, healing, and liberating. Curiously, this Asian spiritual practice has led me back to the Society of Friends: the more I practice Zen, the more thoroughly Quaker I become. The spiritual insights of Christianity and Quakerism have regained for me fresh depth, power, charisma. Within the earliest records of Quakerism, in the writings of George Fox and other early Friends, I find – to my wonder and delight – remarkably explicit guidelines for spiritual practice that are often diluted or obscured in contemporary un-programmed Friends’ worship. In A Quaker in the Zendo, I tell the story of my journey through Zen to a rediscovery of these directions for spiritual formation practiced by the earliest Quakers.