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Inner Guide versus the Inner Critic 448

Friends strive to heed the promptings of an “Inner Guide,” whose leadings enable us to serve the spirit while carrying us forward in our own spiritual growth.
ISBN: 9780875744483
Author Christine Wolff
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Friends strive to heed the promptings of an “Inner Guide,” whose leadings enable us to serve the spirit while carrying us forward in our own spiritual growth. But another voice from within – that of the “inner critic” – may confuse and disrupt our discernment or may make us feel too small and unworthy to wholeheartedly follow the Guide. Christine Wolff, informed by her studies of psychology and spirituality and her practice of psychotherapy, offers insights into the difference between these two inner voices with suggestions about how readers may overcome limitations that come from a too-active inner critic. Personal examples, exercises, and a study guide are included.