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Getting Rooted
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What does it really mean to absorb the learning that comes from our “roots” in Quakerism? Are there ways of approaching our roots that have a greater likelihood of bearing spiritual fruits?
Pendle Hill Publications
Brian Drayton
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What does it really mean to absorb the learning that comes from our “roots” in Quakerism? Are there ways of approaching our roots that have a greater likelihood of bearing spiritual fruits? Brian Drayton explores the idea of “rootedness” at multiple levels–as a metaphor, as a discipline, as a goal–in order to reveal the ways in which we may derive the most nourishment from the roots that we seek to rediscover, and more importantly, so that God’s Spirit may flourish within us and through us. By Brian Drayton Pendle Hill Pamphlet #391
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A book for beginners on understanding the tenets of the Society of Friends. By George Peck Pendle Hill Pamphlet #277
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At times of passage we realize that God does not leave us alone, but sends caregivers to accompany us and assist us on our journey.
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366 Invitation to a Deeper Communion
This pamphlet examines what it was about early Friends belief and practice that invited direct experience of the Spirit.
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367 Quaker In Vietnam: Rick Thompson
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Born in an era of profound spiritual awakening, the Quaker Peace Testimony remains a radical challenge today-to live Jesus’ message of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.
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Anne Morrison Welsh tells the moving story of her husband’s self-sacrifice at the Pentagon in November 1965 in a desperate effort to help end a war he abhorred.
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390 Special Education as a Spiritual
How are we to understand God in a world where children suffer from devastating disabilities? And how are we to live meaningfully in such a world?
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409 Who Do You Say I Am?
Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Today many of Jesus’ followers still seek to answer that question—in contemplation and prayer, in study, in Spirit-led service, in conversations with one another, and ...
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411 Plow Up the Follow Ground
Early Friends had a way of bringing scripture to life, a way of entering into the language and stories of the Bible to find meaningful expressions of their own experience and to find fresh truth in the Spirit that “gave forth” the scriptures.
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417 John Yungblut Passing the Mystical Torch
In John Yungblut: Passing the Mystical Torch, Charlie Finn unveils the faith and vision of John Yungblut. At the heart of this story, readers will discover a spiritual “genealogy”:
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418 Some Thoughts on Becoming Eighty-five
The experience of long life and spiritual fruits of aging are the focus of this meditative walk through eighty-five years of William Shetter’s life experience: among Friends, in relationship, as an ongoing seeker and keen observer of the world.
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A Death Chosen, a Life Given 432
How does one find meaning and healing following the suicide of a loved one? Hannah Russell, whose terminally-ill husband ended his own life, offers insights gleaned from her own journey.
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A Fifth Yoga: The Way of Relationships (PHP 220)
Suggests adding the way of human relations to the four broad disciplines of Yoga. By Joseph Havens Pendle Hill Pamphlet #220
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A Plea For The Poor 357
This early Quaker minister’s essay relates poverty to wasteful consumption, brings the rich and powerful to account, and calls for simplicity as a style of life. 56 pages.
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At a time in my life when I had drifted far from my Quaker origins, I found the discipline of Zen meditation to be clarifying, healing, and liberating.
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A Quaker Theology of Pastoral Care: The Art of the Everyday 281
By being faithful artists of the Spirit, creating a theology of playfulness, color, spontaneity, and surprise one may be informed and transformed. By Zoe White Pendle Hill Pamphlet #281
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A Quest There Is
A collection of quotations from some of the author’s favorite mystics with interpretive comments. By Elizabeth Vining Pendle Hill Pamphlet #246
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A Quietness Within 434
Drawing on the wisdom of Christian mystics, early Quakers, and other spiritual explorers, Elaine Pryce contemplates the tradition of silent inward attentiveness to Mystery and Presence as a way to spiritual renewal, healing, and discovery.
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A Seal Upon My Heart 438
Michael Birkel celebrates the poetry of love and the allegory of spiritual intimacy found in this anomalous book.
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A Zen Buddhist encounters Quakerism 302
A Zen Buddhist professor contrasts meditation with Quaker worship. By Teruyasu Tamura Pendle Hill Pamphlet #302
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A.J. Muste, Pacifist & Prophet: his relation to the Society of Friends (PHP 235)
Discusses the development of a pacifist influenced by the Dutch Reformed Church, Marxism, and Christian ethics. By Jo Ann Robinson Pendle Hill Pamphlet #235
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Abraham Lincoln and the Quakers (273)
A record of all the known stories of Lincoln and the Society of Friends, with some reflective comments by a Quaker professor of religious studies.
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An Art of Small Resurrections: Sur (408)
Jesus taught his followers to love their enemies and to forgive. How can these messages of compassion be reconciled with a policy of putting to death those whom we have judged to be wrongdoers against society?
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An Attender at the Altar 280
The interplay between sacrament and silence is shared by the author. By Jay Rochelle Pendle Hill Pamphlet #280
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An Inward Legacy: Selections from Letters to his Friend Edited with an introduction by Gilbert Kilpack (PHP 92)
These excerpts from Forbes Robinson's letters have a common theme: the force of grace and Christian prayer, love, and revelation. Pendle Hill Pamphlet #92
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Another Way to Live: experiencing intentional community (PHP 218)
A community is both a means and a goal; living in one is a sharing, a vision, an experiment, and a fulfillment.
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Answering That of God in Our Childr(315)
The stories in this pamphlet, drawn from life, illustrate the wondering that children do and the need for guidance it opens for any who live and work with them. By Harriet Heath Pendle Hill Pamphlet #315
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Answering The Call to Heal The Worl(383)
There is a role for each of us to play in healing the wounds of the world and bringing into being the wholeness that is possible in God’s creation. But where do we begin?
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Approaching the Gospels (PHP 219)
Intended for use in studying the life of Jesus, this is an excerpt from her leader’s guide to group study of the gospels.
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Art Imagery and the Mythic Process (PHP 215)
Using mythologies of cultures, the artist communicates processes of creativity.
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Artist on the Witness Stand 257
This Quaker artist, who works mostly in wood engravings, surveys his own education and creative process.
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Atonement of George Fox - PHP 166
The relationship between the individual and the group in Quaker context. Pendle Hill Pamphlet #166
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Batter My Heart 282
Using ideas from biblical criticism, psychoanalysis, feminist and liberation theology, the essay reflects on naming a God free of caste and gender. By Gracia Fay Ellwood Pendle Hill Pamphlet #282
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Bearing Witness: Quaker Process 262
Peace is portrayed as something we do, an activity of resolving differences based on a five-stage Quaker ethic. By Gray Cox Pendle Hill Pamphlet #262
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Behind the gospels (PHP 160)
A study of the origin of the Gospels covering historical sequence, order of origin, relative historical value, authorship, and other insights. By Henry Cadbury Pendle Hill Pamphlet #160
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Beyond the Bars 342
Written with sensitivity and grace, this essay depicts Friends Testimonies in prison service work. By example of listening and respect, more than by preaching, the author has much to say about being present in prison and receiving gifts.
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Born remembering - PHP 200
Everyone has had some experience of early childhood remembering: remembering an otherness not to be explained by family experiences, stories heard, events witnessed. Why is it that we are born remembering, and live forgetting?” How can we remember?
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Bosnian student project 334
The author tells, poignantly and lovingly, the story of more than 150 Bosnian students who were helped to continue their education in the U.S. through this project of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. By Douglas Hostetter
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Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions? 445
This pamphlet explores the author’s discernment journey from being a well-meaning, but ill-informed Zionist to someone who began listening to the voices of Jewish and Israeli dissidents, as well as the voices of nonviolent Palestinian resisters...
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The communities of L’Arche and Taize have influenced the author’s insights and practices that encourage healthy family environments and the nurture of children’s spirituality.
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Burning One-ness Binding Everything 332
Recounting experiences of the Spirit through beauty, love, and worship, the author explores the transcendent and immanent qualities of the Spirit, the relation of the Spirit to suffering and evil, and ...
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But who do you say that I am 426
Quakers are often challenged when people ask us what we believe. Are we Christians? Some Friends would say yes, some no, and many would hesitate – it depends what you mean by “Christian.”
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Can Quakerism speak to the times? (PHP 78)
In his Pendle Hill pamphlet (no. 78), John H. Hobart asks what is the best way to interpret Quakerism in the modern world.
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Children and Solitude 125
Is it possible to drown children in a constant flow of stimuli, allowing no time for inward growth?
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Christianity and the Inner Life (402)
Friends in the unprogrammed, liberal tradition respond in a wide variety of ways to the language and teachings of Christianity.
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Come Aside and Rest Awhile 335
Out of her own rich experience, Fran Taber expands William Penn’s vision for retreats. Her wisdom guides and supports the retreat movement as a significant thread weaving together the ecumenical religious community.
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Communion for a Quaker 331
In the words of the author, “This is the story of a journey in search of the sacrament of communion… as I ask my questions, and find, not only answers, but also a challenge for all of us, the challenge of daily sacramental living.”
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Deep Hospitality PHP 487
How can we truly welcome others – and ourselves – to the Quaker community? What if offering a deeper hospitality means demolishing the structures we know and rebuilding in new forms?
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Depression and Spiritual Growth 327
Describes how the misery of deep depression can act as a catalyst for the development of greater spiritual depth. By Dimitri Mihalas Pendle Hill Pamphlet #327
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Ecology of Quaker Meeting, The 449
Human beings “must now return nature . . . into our worship. And Quaker meeting is the perfect place to make that reclamation,” writes Jim Hood in this poetic and thoughtful meditation.
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Education and the Inward Teacher 278
The Inner Light, the Inward Teacher, can be a metaphor for interpreting issues in education.
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Edward Hicks, Primitive Quaker (PHP 170)
The cultural and social evidences of Quakerism in Hicks’ painting, with special emphasis on the inward aspect of his religion.
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Enlarging our circle of love 440
In this compelling exploration of how a first step on a path of faithfulness can begin a lifelong journey, we see how way opens in one Quaker’s life.
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Envisioning a Moral Economy (405)
What is the place of moral values in the way we structure our economy? Should the teachings of Jesus and other faith traditions be considered when we address such questions as: How is work fashioned? Where do we live? What do we own?
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Existential Theology of Nikos 359
The author presents a lively exposition of what kind of theology can come of a belief that we are not immortal, and therefore must value and live our lives as if we are heading into an abyss at death.
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Facing and fulfilling the late years (PHP 157)
Creativity, travel, the interests of the mind and the world at large, and the “fluid expression of personality” are positive aspects of aging today. By Elsie Marion Andrews Pendle Hill Pamphlet #157
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Finding The Taproot of Simplicity (400)
This essay, written in 1987, explores the spiritual basis of Friends’ testimony of simplicity: how it evolved from the efforts of early Friends to live in a way that fostered the spiritual richness of their lives, and ...
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Findings 310
The author claims poets offer confirmation to religious seekers that their glimpses of divine presence and intention are valid.
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For That Solitary Individual PHP 316
The author defines three activities of evolution: differentiation, interiority, and communion and then counsels each person to seek a contemplative life to nurture these activities.
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Four Women, Four Windows on Light (PHP 236)
The women discussed are: Mary Baker Eddy, Evelyn Underhill, Simone Weil, and Flannery O’Connor.
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Friends and Alchohol 313
After examining the history of Friends’ corporate witness on use of alcoholic beverages, which for the most part produced a call for total abstinence, the author argues that Friends should reexamine and reclaim this testimony.
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Friends and the World of Nature (PHP 233)
Can we forge a new link between the insights of science and the deeper prompting of the human spirit through a rebirth of a love for matter? A meditation on our manifold relations with nature. By Theodor Benfey Pendle Hill Pamphlet #233
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From West Point To Quakerism 389
As a young man at West Point, Mike Heller found himself in a hostile environment, struggling to fit in where he was learning that he did not belong, searching for something to hold onto that was true and that nurtured his spirit.
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God Raising Us 396
When Eileen Flanagan became a mother, her spiritual world was dramatically discomposed. Bringing children into her life required her to find new ways to discern God’s leadings; her ways of experiencing connection to the Divine were transformed; ...
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God's Healing Grace 394
“Most of us go about our daily lives assuming that we all participate in one shared reality. As I have listened to many people’s stories, I have learned that ‘reality’ is not as shared as we may think. ...
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God's spirit in nature 336
The author gives us moving meditation on the metaphysical sense of the Earth as the body of God. The writing was inspired by her experiences in a 1995 Pendle Hill course, “Global Spirituality and Earth Ethics.”
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Going Back 272
In search of personal healing the author talks with many former adversaries in their austere country. He includes four poems with his reflections. By W. D. Ehrhart Pendle Hill Pamphlet #272
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Gospel Order (297)
This essay concentrates on the communal and societal aspects of gospel order as the foundation of meeting – or church – community life. “Gospel” refers to the actual relationship with God.
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Group Spiritual Nurture: The Wisdom 373
In the intimacy that develops over time in a Spiritual Nurture Group, members connect on a deep level of the Spirit. Coming together in a group to share and listen gives birth to a way of being in community that is sacred.
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Henry Hodgkin: the road to Pendle Hill (PHP 229)
An exploration of the personality of the first director of Pendle Hill, written for its 50th anniversary in 1980. By Ormerod Greenwood Pendle Hill Pamphlet #229
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Homosexuality and the Bible: an interpretation (PHP 226)
Old and New Testament citations pertaining to homosexuality and an insightful interpretation of them by a Quaker lawyer. Reprinted in 1982, 1983, 1985, and 1990 (this edition).
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Improvisation & Spiritual Disciplines288
The author uses musical improvisation to understand Sabbath observance, Bible reading, journal keeping, tithing, and praying. By Carol Conti-Entin Pendle Hill Pamphlet #288
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In Beauty: Quaker Approach to End 355
This author shares the story of experiences in her monthly meeting to illustrate how our dying can be as fully centered in God as our living. By Kirsten Backstrom Pendle Hill Pamphlet #355
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In God we Live 268
The author’s journey as he finds a personal religion, culminating in joining the Society of Friends. By Warren Ostrom Pendle Hill Pamphlet #268
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Inner Guide versus the Inner Critic 448
Friends strive to heed the promptings of an “Inner Guide,” whose leadings enable us to serve the spirit while carrying us forward in our own spiritual growth.
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Integrity, Ecology and Community (403)
How can we change the direction of our impact on the earth and begin to undo the damage we have wrought on so many species, including our own? Can we depend on technological, political, and economic solutions alone?
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Interconnections 261
Reflections on the deep relationships, the networks that God uses to transform wounds into wholeness. By Elaine Prevallet Pendle Hill Pamphlet #261
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Inward Light and the New Creation 295
A theological meditation on the spirituality of George Fox’s visionary journey back into Paradise and Margaret Fell’s argument for women’s equality in church leadership. By R. Melvin Keiser Pendle Hill Pamphlet #295
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Jacob Boehme 351
A Quaker examines what constitutes evil in our modern era, drawing on the theological work of the 16th_century German mystic, Jacob Boehme. First published as Pendle Hill pamphlet #214. By Ann Liem Pendle Hill Pamphlet #351
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Journey Through Skepticism 361
In this pamphlet, the author describes how he has come to live in the certainty of “a spirit which unites me in my best moments with something beyond myself, something I can admire and seek to emulate and embody,...
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Journey to Bosnia return to self 348
The author describes her call to serve as peace activist in Bosnia and then chronicles the work she undertook, illuminating the transformative power of her experience.
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Kindling a Life of Concern (404)
Friends speak of “concerns” as the spiritual promptings that come to us, revealing our own particular God-given responsibilities in a world that so truly needs our love and our service.
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Leadership Among Friends 320
Looks at the ambivalence toward authority among Quaker youth, the need for common experiences of depth, and ways of encouraging more inspired ministry. By Ron McDonald Pendle Hill Pamphlet #320
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Leading and Being Led 264
A discussion of the nature of religious leadings and where we should be looking for them in the modern world.
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Let your lives speak (PHP 71)
In her Pendle Hill pamphlet (no. 71), Elfrida Vipont Foulds recreates the summer of 1652.
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Letter to a Universalist 285
Establishing world peace requires mutual respect and tolerance among faiths.
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Letting That Go, Keeping This 353
Fritz Eichenberg, internationally known woodcut artist, has inspired a generation of Quakers and Catholics in their social witness.
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Liberation Theology for Quakers 326
Shares a record of authors joint effort to live out the convictions of liberation theology nonviolently. They invite Friends to become a group that serves the poor directly, seeking passionately to create a new society.
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Live the Questions: Write into the 354
Two consummate journal writers describe the process and give writing exercises for keeping a journal. By Barbara Parsons and Mary Morrison Pendle Hill Pamphlet #354
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Living The Peace Testimony 372
Born of Quaker families, Howard Brinton and Anna Cox Brinton were to meet doing Friends relief work in Germany after World War I in Europe and devote their lives together to nurturing Quakerism, social activism, peacemaking and peacemakers...
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Love is the hardest lesson
“The author gives us a vivid account of her experience working in a state psychiatric institution as the young wife of a conscientious objector during World War II. ...
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Making a portrait of Jesus 441
What was Jesus really like? The portrayals John Lampen got in childhood lacked vitality, so he returned to the records to discover Jesus for himself and found “an extraordinary man who was very different from what I expected.”
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Marking the Quaker Path 439
The life of a fully committed Quaker can be described as a series of passages, beginning with a truthful understanding of one’s spiritual condition and deepening through attention to inward experience, spiritual covenant, discipline, and ...
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Marriage - a spiritual leading for 308
After a summary examination of Quaker marriage practices and procedures, this essay traces the evolution of a minute on same-sex marriage in Putney, Vermont Meeting, and the marriage of two men under the meeting’s care.
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Meditations on the Prayer of St 369
Starting with the metaphor of the self as a musical instrument on which God performs, the author reflects on the beloved prayer of St. Francis as instructions for a life of Christian peacemaking.
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Members One of Another 371
“In Quaker faith and practice, the individual and the meeting are in a dynamic, mutually supportive and reciprocal relation.” In this essay, Tom Gates examines many of the factors affecting the relationship between the Seeker and the Meeting, ...
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Metaphors of meaning 437
The spiritual life defies description through words. To understand our own spiritual experiences and talk about them with others, we often rely on images or metaphors to convey our meaning.
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Milestone 70 (287)
In this her 17th Pendle Hill pamphlet, the author explores her daily life in her seventieth year.
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Mind What Stirs Your Heart 304
The author, inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s walking and breathing meditations, combines “seed-verses” from Quaker and Biblical writings with exercises for meditative walking.
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More than Equals 345
The author advocates for this growing form of spiritual nurture among Friends, and gives good guidelines for seeking and sustaining a spiritual friendship.
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Motions of Love 312
A study of the interrelationship between mysticism and activism in the life and ministry of John Woolman, as reflected through his writings.
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Navigating The Living Waters of 352
A Quaker examines what constitutes evil in our modern era, drawing on the theological work of the 16th_century German mystic, Jacob Boehme. First published as Pendle Hill pamphlet #214. By Ann Liem Pendle Hill Pamphlet #351
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No Royal Road to Reconciliation 321
Author sees wounds in the perpetrator as the source of violence. This essay describes the nature and healing of trauma and offers view of health which can move us to listening, forgiveness, compassion and reconciliation.
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Nonviolence and Community 322
Nonviolence requires a spirit that comes from within which no curriculum can create or implant. The authors describe how the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) organizes experiences to draw forth that spirit ...
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Nonviolence on Trial 274
Nonviolent action takes place only when the principle of love is seen as a reality grounded in Being itself, as the author has publicly witnessed. By Robert Hillegass Pendle Hill Pamphlet #274
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Nurturing Contemplation 251
Quoting from a number of people who emphasize being rather than doing, the author reflects on the fullness of the contemplative life.
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On Retiring to Kendal (and Beyond) 368
The author employs poetry and literature to reflect on the meaning of retirement and whether death is an unmitigated calamity. He concludes it is not better to live forever, and that strangely, death enhances life, rather than negating it.
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Philosophy of the Inner Light (PHP 209)
Economic researcher, foreign correspondent, lobbyist – and seeker – the author has found that the way out of a dogmatic disbelief in spiritual reality lies in using and understanding the inner light. By Michael Marsh Pendle Hill Pamphlet #209
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Practicing Compassion for the 271
Steps in practicing compassion toward those we do not know well in love, work, and religion are described and encouraged. By Nancy Alexander Pendle Hill Pamphlet #271
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Prayer Beginning Again 339
Whether renewing one’s commitment to prayer or risking prayer for the first time, this essay approaches a difficult subject with a perfect mix of theory and practicality, seriousness and whimsy. By Sheila Keane Pendle Hill Pamphlet #339
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Prayer in the Contemporary World 291
This deep thinker and ecumenist shares a meditation and prayer for each day of the month.
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Quaker Money 290
The manager of funds for Quaker organizations and individuals reflects on Friends and the tension between money and ethics.
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Quaker Social Testimony in our 360
Lifestyle and politics are integral expressions of what human beings are meant to be: loving, truthful, peaceful, and centered on God, and therefore the natural world and other people. By Jonathan Dale Pendle Hill Pamphlet #360
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Quakerism and Science 343
A Quaker scientist affirms that science and Quakerism not only have more in common than does science with other avenues of religious expression, but that wider recognition of the commonalities could encourage both inner and outer peace.
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Quakers and the Use of Power (PHP 241)
A reexamination of the Society of Friends at the time of Pendle Hill’s 50th Anniversary.
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Recovering Sacred Presence 433
Contemporary Westerners are caught between contradictory ways of understanding the world: science and faith are seemingly incompatible. And when we experience spiritual openings, when the Presence breaks through into our lives, what do we make of it?
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Reflections From A Prayer Vigil For 358
The author shares reflections born of his participation in an extended prayer vigil for peace. It includes thoughts on sowing peace, faithfulness, prayer, and a section on Timothy McVeigh.
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Revelation and Revolution 431
For Steve Chase, being a faithful friend and follower of Jesus has always meant being engaged in nonviolent revolutionary work to bring about a beloved community which embodies spiritual wisdom, social justice, and ecological sustainability.
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Rhythms of the Ecosystem (PHP 208)
Developed from a course in ecology at Pendle Hill, the teacher uses the Dancing Shiva as a focus for her concerns. By Janette Shetter Pendle Hill Pamphlet #208
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Sanctuary Church 270
A prime mover in the network bringing Central American refugees to the U.S. writes of “sanctuary as a perennial task for any people that covenants to serve the Peaceable Kingdom.” By Jim Corbett Pendle Hill Pamphlet #270
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Searching for the real jesus 330
The author, a Quaker with reverence for scripture, explicates the learned thinking of prominent contemporary scholars who debate the historical veracity of Jesus.
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Sickness, Suffering and Healing 341
More stories from this American doctor’s compassionate encounter with Africans in their country. The stories describe the challenges of suffering and African faith in response.
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Sink Down to the Seed 283
A four-year journey to explore the author’s inward landscape results in inner peace. By Charlotte Fardelmann Pendle Hill Pamphlet #283
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Song of Death, Our Spiritual 340
As a Cadbury scholar at Pendle Hill, the author researched seventeenth-century and modern experiences of death and dying among Friends.
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Sonnets on Courtship, Marriage and Family
This second, expanded edition of "Sonnets on Courtship, Marriage, and Family" by Kenneth Boulding, noted economist, social philosopher, peace researcher, and Quaker, contains 78 sonnets spanning nearly fifty years of courtship and family life.
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Spirit-Led Eldering (392)
Eldering is a process of assisting one another, from a centered place, to stay true and faithful to the Spirit in all aspects of our lives.
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Spiritual Discernment 305
Spiritual discernment lies at the heart of Quaker spirituality and practice. It’s grounded in the central Quaker conviction of the availability to every person of the experience and guidance of God, immediate as well as mediated.
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Spiritual Linkage with Russians PHP 301
This essay explores the spiritual dimension of a unique Quaker peacemaking project called The Human Experience, an anthology of contemporary poetry and fiction of Russia and the United States that was jointly edited and published in both countries.
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Spreading the Fire 436
In earlier times, far-flung Quaker meetings looked for spiritual deepening in the visits of traveling ministers. Debbie Humphries is one present-day Friend who has responded to a call to travel in ministry.
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Stories from Kenya 319
Relates stories which arose out of the authors’ experiences of living and working at a Quaker mission hospital in rural western Kenya.
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Tall poppies supporting ministry & 347
Supporting Gifts of Ministry and Eldering in the Monthly Meeting, Martha Paxson Grundy describes the traditional Quaker understanding of power and spiritual authority, and God’s gifts in relation to them.
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Tempted by Happiness
Analysis of Kazantzakis’ The Last Temptation of Christ using a four-fold scheme devised by the novel’s author, a non-Christian, to explain evolution toward dematerialization.
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The Authority of Our Meeting is The(365)
The author sees Quakers at a crossroads in dealing with issues of authority and power in church governance and offers some assessment of the costs of traveling one way or another.
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The Candle of the Lord
Gives the reader glimpses of historic Quaker country in the north of England and discusses the Quaker character.
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The Door In 430
Renee Crauder, familiar to many Friends as a spiritual director and leader of workshops and retreats on the spiritual life, describes her own journey, a decades-long search for a deeper relationship with the Divine.
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The Evolutionary Potential of Quakerism (PHP 136)
An economist sees Quakerism as a evolutionary mutation from the main line of Christian development and suggests the next stage in its development is intellectual. Published by Pendle Hill in association with Australia Yearly Meeting.
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The Intrepid Quaker
Steve Cary's memoirs, speeches, and writings reveal leadership and philosophy that mirror the Quaker experience in education and peace work in the latter half of the twentieth century.
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The Journal and the Journey (PHP 242)
The writer’s interior journey of 71 years.
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The Kingdom and the Way 317
The author shares specific biblical texts and her meditations that connect an inward holy place where she meets God with Buddhist teachings and the fundamental truths of Christian Experience. By Carol Urner Pendle Hill Pamphlet #317
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The Mind of Christ (406)
When Quakers gather to make decisions, they do so with the hope of being called into unity by the loving Spirit who guides their steps in the practice that Friends call “meeting for worship with attention to business.”
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The Ministry of Presence 293
The authors share how way opened for them to become engaged in the life of a community and Quaker meeting in one of the world’s troubled places. By Avis Crowe and Dyckman Vermilye Pendle Hill Pamphlet #293
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The Needle's Eye 275
Reflections on her involvement with Filipino tribal peoples and war, with references to John Woolman. By Carol Urner Pendle Hill Pamphlet #275
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The Practice of the Love of God 374
Dare to love God! Dare to practice that love everywhere in God’s family, seeing the divine likeness in everyone, mixture of earth and heaven though we be!
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The Psalms Speak 298
Thoughtful presentations on these ancient biblical texts bring the wisdom of the ages into our present-day experiences. By George Peck Pendle Hill Pamphlet #298
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The Psychology of a Fairy Tale (PHP 210)
The author is a Jungian analyst with a special interest in the spiritual and psychological meaning of fairy tales. By David Hart Pendle Hill Pamphlet #210
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The Servant Church 328
A Quaker goat herdsman and a Catholic priest began to see church in unexpected ways while responding to Salvadoran refugees in search of sanctuary. By Ricardo Elford and Jim Corbett Pendle Hill Pamphlet #328
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The Unconscious 325
A doctor shares his career as physician/psychiatrist and his life wisdom of how the unconscious works healthily to fulfill longings for those who are able to trust the Guide. By Robert Murphy Pendle Hill Pamphlet #325
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The Way of the Cross 260
A long-time teacher of the Gospels sees the heart of their message as a center that is everywhere, inclusive, yet highly individual.
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There is a Fountain 329
A life story about renewal, commitment, faith, doubt, success, defeat, and a balance of activism and contemplation.
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There is a spirit Nayler sonnets 337
There is a Spirit: The Nayler Sonnets is a collection of sonnets written by economist and peace activist Kenneth Boulding. The sonnets are inspired by the life and teachings of James Nayler, a 17th-century Quaker preacher ...
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Therefore Choose Life 300
This essay renews the debate about the futility of deterrence in a post-Cold War era by introducing, as a spiritual problem, the idea of nuclear addiction and how to get out of it. By John Tallmadge Pendle Hill Pamphlet #300
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Thomas R Kelly as I remember 284
The author was influenced in college by Kelly, “a philosophy professor transformed into a radiant Christian.” By T. Canby Jones Pendle Hill Pamphlet #284
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Thoughts are Free 265
The Quaker tradition is bound up with religious belief and political action, and the author applies it to the Nazi regime. By Anna Halle Translated by Mary E. B. Feagins Pendle Hill Pamphlet #265
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Three Ravens and Two Widows (401)
This essay is an intimate portrait of two women whose very different lives and characters were faithful responses to the challenges of loss, responsibility, love, and difficulty at different times and places in Quaker history.
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To Martin Luther King with Love 254
Reflects the author’s years of appreciation of the writing and faith of a Christian practicing non-violent change and unconditional love. Pendle Hill Pamphlet #254
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To Meet at the Source 289
Similarities may be found in Hindu and Quaker thought in many areas that transcend language, such as pure principle, the light, unity, silence, simplicity, and guidance. By Martha Dart Pendle Hill Pamphlet #289
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Touched by God 338
A seasoned Friend shares moving and well-written accounts of meaningful experiences in meeting for worship. The essay will help Friends to appreciate what they, too, have experienced occasionally in worship;...
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Traveling In 324
“I am going to speak about ‘traveling in’ and about my own personal journey. I haven’t done that on any other occasion in quite so full a way as I’m going to do here this morning.” So begins the treasure of this essay in Douglas’s own words.
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Treasure in Clay Jars 346
The author rediscovered a powerful sense of God calling her to a more real spiritual life through her artistic work with clay in the Pendle Hill studio. Photographs and devotions record that experience.
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Turned in the Hand of God 393
Rebecca Janney Timbres Clark led a remarkable life that spanned all of the twentieth century. This pamphlet explores one year in that life, the year when a young, sheltered Quaker from Baltimore took the first steps toward a career of service ...
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Universalism and Spirituality 309
Bringing together material from a number of previous articles, this essay explores the nature of spirituality and its relation to universalism, with particular attention to the question of commitment to a particular religious tradition.
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Vistas from Inner Stillness 299
A naturalist and astronomer writes of a “knowing of God” which comes from his mystical experiences of nature.
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Walk With Me 333
Accompaniment takes many forms, from sitting in union, human rights, and other offices to accompanying threatened individuals.
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War Taxes 286
A historical view of Friends testimony on paying war taxes.
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What we stand on 429
Paul Christiansen calls Quakers to account for how well we face the seeds of war within our own lives.
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Wholesight: the spirit quest (PHP 217)
Wholesight here means finding coherence among religion, science, art, and politics.
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William Penn: 17th Century Founding Father - PHP 204
Selections from Penn’s writings on liberty of conscience, the nature of government, peace in Europe, titles, imperial states, and a plan for the union of the American colonies.
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With Thine Adversary in the Way: a Quaker witness for reconciliation (PHP 228)
A German Quaker writes simply of her life under Hitler’s regime and during the Russian occupation of East Germany, a life full of meaning and peacemaking. Translated by Florence Kite.
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Without Nightfall upon the Spirit 311
Reflections on aging, its physical, spiritual, and religious effects, by an 83-year-old author.
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Words Wordlessness and the Word 303
A literary scholar considers the paradoxical relationship of silence and words in Quaker worship, drawing on the work of E. M. Forster, Samuel Beckett, and classical Greek writers for insight.
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You are my witness 435
Thomas Gates draws from the experiences of the captive Hebrews as told in the Book of Isaiah, as well as the discoveries and practices of early Friends, to offer perspective and insights for twenty-first century Quakers ...
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